November 22, 2023

“Let us prepare our minds as if we’d come near the end of life itself. Let us observe our own nature and those elements in the world around us which cause us apprehension.” – Marcus Aurelius The eruption of Yellowstone Caldera in early May 2063 took the world by surprise. Despite advances in volcanology and…

September 9, 2020

Life holds a special magic for those who dare to dream.  One of the many things I love about writing and especially in Speculative fiction, where I’m most comfortable, is the use of my dream muscle. I would have never thought that my wild imagination would ever be something I could use and feel proud…

August 9, 2017

Start with a premise or theme that interests you. This could be something you’re passionate about, a question you’ve always wanted to explore, or a problem you’d like to solve. Read widely and pay attention to the stories that resonate with you. What do you love about these stories? What themes or characters stand out…

August 9, 2017

A speculative fiction writer creates stories that take place in alternative or imaginary worlds, often incorporating elements of science fiction, fantasy, and/or horror. I love to explore themes of social commentary, political issues, or philosophical questions. I use my imagination and research to create unique and imaginative worlds, characters, and plots that explore the possibilities…